Sunday, 5 June 2011

Day 1 st Bees to Ennerdale Bridge 15 miles, 7 hrs (Inc breaks) DONE!

Our C2C mantra "Onwards ever backwards never!" (inspired by Mark & Nix Bateman) it feels good to have completed the first (challenging) leg! Called in Cleator stores to purchase essentials n treat (just for u Kathryn!) ourselves to some Midget Gems. Gentle rain this aft (we are in the Lakes) not enough to necessitate waterproofs but enough to dampen the Midget Gem bag. Long steep pull up Dent Hill, rewarded at the top with sweeties but the bag burst scattering Midget Gems all around. Never deterred we applied the '10 second rule' and speedily gathered the gems being careful to discern the black ones from sheep poo!! The ascent was followed by an incredibly steep knee trembly decent that left our knees and thigh muscles in a state - praise God for Ibuprofen, we've taken a prophylactic dose, well we do have to do it all again tomorrow!

Camping in a field owned by the local pub - alas no showers but a beautifully clear stream! Here's our home for the next 13 days, except for one night with the Ashworth's, looking forward to that already!

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